~ " Wat a nice Piece " ~

Friday, June 5, 2009

~ A.F.T.E.R a l0n9 Time ~

Hello my Fwenzzz......

Finally......... i could accessed my gmail account just now...
after all this time, i've mistaken to typed my account add.
it supossed to be written this way (with dot) : xte.vee@gmail.com,
but i typed it with dash : xte_vee@gmail.com.
and also forgot my password.
i kept the scrambled password in my last mobile phone.
but it lost on my last holiday in K.L
Missing my mobile... we've been through lots of Photos
(with my frenz and my narciss one),events,places,days and nites together :(
(please de jangan lebaiii ~~~)..hahaga

careless hhuh?!... yeah i am... wew
hope it's not happening to YOU...

I'm having a long holiday till i enter the nu Uni.
I'm still having some course on my holiday...
so my brain didn't totally stop working ... hahaa

Miss my friends so much(miss u guys... :])...
yeah... we're not in a same school anymore since we've just graduated from it
and you guys probably are moving to other town,
, country and maybe continent...
wherever you will be congrat's to you guys and gud luck...
"Yeah you know"(quote from my school teacher; silly me).... l.o.l
we're not together anymore in same school , class and town .... hiikx

well..... recently i hang out with loophleee Francisca... :))
We went to Jl. s.parman to eat baqso, drink coconut+ jackfruit.... sluurp~
and also went to the internet cafe... and also went to salon twice this week,,, l.o.l
really love our hair..... hahaa
@ the 1st saloon both of us have a new cut...
and three days ago @ the 2nd one we only blow them..
Love my Nuu hair ... I feel fresh... hahaa

i also hang out with my cousin Satrya with his girl friend (their only friend not lover).
She is nice and friendly. She's very good at piano. i can say She's Outstanding 'n talented... :]]

well three days ago..
Christie, Shella , Hendrik, Ivandy, Farah, Wira, Yenti, Calvin and also Kevin just got back from their awesome vacation.. Jakarta and Bali....
What a nice..~~ :]
And at that nite A lovely Guy delivered some Bali souvenirs to my home... <3
That's too much for me... I really appreciate that.. <3<3
and Thank's To Christie and Shella that helping him to choose some of those some souvenirs for me ...(wew my sentence is getting scrambled now.. and it's late.. almost 1 am .time to sleep) .. love yaaaaa...

i think... that's all for today... long enough ... I'll write next time...


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

How New Year is said around the world

Arabic : Kul 'aam u antum salimoun

Brazilian : Boas Festas e Feliz Ano Novo means "Good Parties and Happy New Year"

Chinese : Chu Shen Tan

Czechoslavakia: Scastny Novy Rok

Dutch : Gullukkig Niuw Jaar

Finnish : Onnellista Uutta Vuotta

French : Bonne Annee

German : Prosit Neujahr

Greek : Eftecheezmaenos o Kaenooryos hronos

Hebrew : L'Shannah Tovah Tikatevu

Hindi : Niya Saa Moobaarak

Indonesia : Selamat Tahun Baru

Irish (Gaelic) : Bliain nua fe mhaise dhuit

Italian : Buon Capodanno

Khmer : Sua Sdei tfnam tmei

Laotian : Sabai dee pee mai

Polish : Szczesliwego Nowego Roku

Portuguese : Feliz Ano Novo

Russian : S Novim Godom

Serbo-Croatian : Scecna nova godina

Spanish : Feliz Ano Neuvo
Prospero Ano Nuevo

Turkish : Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun

Vietnamese : Cung-Chuc Tan-Xuan

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Plain white T's - lyrics

1,2 - 1 2 3 4

give me more lovin then i've ever had

make it all better when i'm feelin sad.

tell me that i'm special even when i know i'm not

make me feel good when i hurt so bad

barely gettin mad, im so glad i found you.

i love bein around you. you make it easy, as easy as 1 2,(1 2 3 4.)

theres only one thing two do three words four you~ i love you(i love you)

theres only one way two say those three words and that's what i'll do.i love you.(i love you)

give me more lovin from the very start

piece me back together when i fall apart.

tell me things you never even tell your closest friends.

make me feel good when i hurt so bad.

best that i've had.

im so glad that i found you.

i love bein around you.

you make it easy as easy as 1 2,(1 2 3 4.)

theres only one thing two do three words four you.i love you.(i love you)

theres only one way two say those three words and that's what i'll do

i love you.i love you(i love you)

you make it easy, its easy as 1234 theres only one thing two do three words four you i love you (i love you)

theres only one way two say those three words thats wwhat ill do i love you (i love you)
i love you i love you.

one two three four i love you.(iloveyou)i love you(i love you) ~~~~~~~

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

~ C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E ~

Everybody love to eat chocolate because it's sweet and it's special taste can drive us crazy.. There are many types of chocolate, they are milk chocolate, white chocolate and dark chocolate are also common chocolate varieties. Nowadays chocolate is filled with many flavors, such as: fruits, nuts and also liquor..
Chocolate can makes our hunger go away for a while but it can't last for long hours because it doesn't contain the nutrient necessary for our body. By consuming too many chocolate can cause obesity. So for the one who wants to get fat, you may try it.

Chocolate also can be a symbol of love , like flowers .. Many people gives or chocolate for the one we love, it can be anyone.... Is it our parent , friends or our lover..

Chocolate is also good for our health. It's contain of antioxidant , anticancer and also cough preventor.. Nice, huh?
But watch out! You can't feed chocolate for your pets because they are unable to
metabolise the chemical effectively. If they are fed chocolate, the theobromine will remain in their bloodstream for up to 20 hours, and these animals may experience epileptic seizures, heart attacks, internal bleeding, and eventually death.
So if you love your pets, you should never feed chocolate for your pets

~What do you think the best chocolate is?
“The best chocolate in the world remains the one that will give you the most pleasure the moment you eat it,
provided you take time to fully savour it.”~

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Pada Field trip yang lalu sewaktu gw kelas 2, gw, teman-teman dan guru-guru pergi ke Jogja. Sewaktu kami mw brangkat k Jogja kami mengalami berbagai hal yang menegangkan sampai yang menggelikan.. l.o.l

Kami sempet kecewa karena pesawat yang mau kita naiki (Mandala Air) membatalkan jurusannya karena beralasan tempat duduknya tdk penuh maka tidak bisa terbang... wew

Maka pihak sekolah pun segera mengecek pesawat lain, yaitu Batavia air. Kita pun segera berangkat ke Bandara Polonia, Medan. Tetapi sebelumnya kita diberi pengarahan oleh kepala sekolah kita yaitu Mr F.V. Tjowanta dan ketua yayasan kita Mrs. Malahayati Holland.

Sesampai nya di Airport, kita mau menunggu dulu untuk Check in Batavia air. Dan akhirnya kita pun berangkat kira2 pukul 4 sore.
Untuk ke Jogja sebelumnya kita Transit dulu di Bandara Soekarno Hatta, Jakarta.
Sesampainya di Jakarta kira2 jam 6.30 kita segera bergegas ke terminal pesawat, karena kita mengira bahwa kita sudah telat. Kita pun segera mencari terminal pesawat kita. Karena kita tidak tahu dimana letak terminal kita. kita pun mencarinya sambl berlarian. Sambil berlarian salah satu guru kami berkata " Hurry UUUup.....WE are Late You know!" pheeeew... wkwk

Sesampainya di depan pesawat ternyata pesawat yang kami tumpangi belum mau berangkat, para pramugari dan beberapa crew sedang membersihkan pesawat. Mereka pun heran melihat kami.

Kita pun menunggu beberapa saat dan akhirnya kita berangkat. Sesampainya di Bandara Adi Sutjipto waktu pun sudah pukul 9..
Kita pun dijemput oleh Pak Alfan dan teman Pak Alfan. Dengan menggunakan 2 mobil KIA Travello. Yang berwarna Hitam dan perak.
dan kita pun segera mencari makan dan akhirnya kita makan di malioboro.
Kita pun makan pecel lele dan dihibur oleh pengamen dan waria...
Sesudah makan kita pun langsung pergi ke Hotel tempat kita menginap yaitu Hotel Dwipari....

Sewaktu di Jogja kita mengunjungi Candi Borobudur, Candi Prambanan, Candi Ratu Boko, Keraton

C4rt3r B|_|Rw3LL ~ B3lla's Lull@by

Watch the Beat!